I truly do understand how difficult it must be for you to think of me as your sister. I really do. You knew me for well over 50 years as a brother, as a guy. Michael, Mike, he, him.......
Sue has been much closer to me most of that time and I know it's still a struggle for her to think of me as a woman. She understands me though and she's getting it.
I began the transition to my true self some time ago. I've been in therapy due to my gender identity issue for over four years now. Last year I sought assistance from a medical doctor specializing in transgender patients, and I began hormone replacement therapy. I successfully petitioned the court to have my name and gender legally changed to Mikayla Grace, a female. I been living 24/7 as a female for about half a year. I've been accepted at work as myself by my coworkers, my managers, and my Human Resource team.
I am hoping you'll let me assert myself a smidgeon, because I do care very much about you and value you greatly as my siblings. I would really, really appreciate if you could try a bit harder to accept me. I am no longer Michael, I will never again be known as a man. Calling me Myka is okay (for now) but my name truly is Mikayla, and I do hope that someday you will know me only by that name. I am female, so referring to me with feminine pronouns is appropriate (and preferred): she, her, hers.....
By the way, I would truly welcome talking with both of you about anything ..... especially about my gender identity, wanting to be your sister, anything about my past, anything about gender disorders .....anything at all.
My intent here is to ask for your caring support and acceptance. I hope & pray you can grant it.
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